How to speak so that people want to listen

 The speaker started with the seven deadly sins of speaking and how we can avoid them so that people would want to listen to us.

The seven deadly sins are 

Gossiping: Speaking bad stories about people in their absence, the other will think he/she will do the same in my absence.

Lying: By lying, he meant was people exaggerate when they talk. Don't stretch things.

Judging: Judging basically means when try to point out someone, there is a very thin line between judging and observing. Wait till you know everything about them.

Excuses: If someone calls you out for doing something wrong, their is a high chance that you will give an excuse. If you did something wrong, own it and try to make it right.

Complaining: Complaining means that you blame others for everything. Complaining about weather, politicians etc. Learn to adapt.

Dogmatism: Means that only your opinion is correct and rest don't know anything. Avoid being arrogant.

Negativity: If you are having a hard time in your life then you could easily reflect it to others. Even if your is difficult, try to put yourself in others shoes.

The speaker also mentioned four tips that could help in speaking.

Honesty: Be honest when you speak, but it doesn't mean to hurt feelings. Sometimes being kind is more helpful then telling the truth.

Authenticity: Take a stand for what you say. Don't believe in gossiping, do your research before speaking.

Integrity: Means showing consistency and adherence to your morals, values and principles.

 Love: Wish for everyone, Love everyone.



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